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Bumpdate – 33 weeks

33 weeks


How far along? 33 weeks!

Also, I think I’m going to start counting down here as well. Soooo 48 days till Penelope’s due date!

Size of Baby Fox: Pineapple!! What!? That makes me feel better about my weight gain 🙂

Gender: The most perfect little princess ♀

Weight Gain: I’m teetering at a +29.2 lb weight gain as of this morning. Omglob.

I know I’m going to break that 30lb line buuuuuuuuuh I’m trying my damn hardest to delay that 30lb mark. The doc told me she expects 35-40lb weight gain from me, but no more than 40. Weight gain is such a sore topic, and I’m sure every week you guys read me bitching, moaning, and complaining…. but it’s hard seeing this weight gain man. I am soooo ready to see the scale fluctuate the OTHER damn way!

Maternity Clothes: Nothing new, and I do not intend on buying any new maternity clothes either! I am so close to the end, I will make due with what I have because I fully intend on fitting back into my xs/s leggings so soon.

Also, I’ve been rocking a lot of sports bras and crop tops because well… nothing freaking fits.


Stretch Marks: I finally have a picture of the one.

I’ve been monitoring this sucker… Hasn’t changed yet. My ta-ta’s on the other hand, stretch marks galore.


The second I found out I was pregnant, I bought every lotion, stretch mark cream, oil, all of it. I wanted ALL of them because I wanted to make DAMN sure I wasn’t going to get stretch marks (although I totally got one little baby one, but it’s better than an entire tummy’s worth).  Anywho, I lathered my belly, sides, butt, and back almost daily until we reached the third trimester, then it turned into about 2x a day. However, I never ever paid any attention to my ladies! Because of that, around my third trimester I started noticing that my “veins” all around my ta-ta’s started turning into dark brown lines (all pretty little but still) and then I realized I was getting stretch marks on my girls!!! Yikes. I should’ve known!! Of course along with the belly, your boobs grow too and you should TOTALLY be applying moisturizer to them as well. I neglected too, and I have some small stretch marks because of it, but I think I could’ve avoided them if I would’ve paid as much attention to them as I did my belly.

Just an idea… hopefully it can help you.

My one little stretch mark

Cravings: I love all food. Anything disgusting and un-healthy, and also sometime watermelon. I love me so watermelon man.


Anything make you sick or queasy? Nope. I actually wanted guacamole last night but we didn’t have any avocados… lol

Miss anything: Booze, and getting out of bed without any help.

Labor signs: No, not yet.

Wedding rings on or off: Still on, still snug.

Happy/Moody/Sad? Pretty okay. I’m happy and excited to know we are getting closer and closer to the end. I am ready to have my little lady already!

Looking forward to: the weekend like always.

Belly button in or out: Outtie, also it’s still sensitive. Sometimes she will have some sort of body part pushed up against my belly button and it’s super sore and sensitive to the touch. Those are the days I swear she is going to bust out of belly button like Alien.

Nursery: Packed. Her nursery is filled with gifts and boxes and stuff is just EVERYWHERE.

Movement: Yep. She’s a wiggler.

Symptoms: Peeing ALL the time. Also, the constant feeling that I need to pee. Even if I am walking from the bathroom (because I just went pee), the movement of me walking makes me feel like I need to pee again.

Funny story, so I decided to be proactive last weekend and since I had Friday off, I thought “let me get up early, and go for a nice morning run!” So I did, I got up early, got dressed, got pumped up for a run, started to run and it felt good. Then about 10 min into my run I felt like I had to pee (although I just peed before I left the house) and so I decided to slow down my run to a jog, but any sort of movement was just pushing her head more and more down on my bladder. At this point I decided to walk. So I walked for like 15-20 seconds and then decided to pick back up on my run… I still felt the need to pee but just tried to tough it out till I hit 1.5 miles, and so I’m going and zooming off and then I start to feel pretty good that I thought to myself “why not 2.0 miles today?” Run, run, run and all of a sudden I’m like 15 ft from my house and I peed myself. It was the weirdest feeling, I had no control, couldn’t stop it, didn’t release it, nothing! It was like as soon as my foot hit the pavement for my next step it just came out! At first I thought, oh shit, was that my water???  Or did I just freaking pee myself?

I had no clue really, so I ran to my house then went to the restroom to make sure I didn’t see any blood or anything bizarre. Nope! Just pee. I legitimately peed myself, and I had NO control over it. This has only happened TWICE before in this pregnancy, and I thought I was doing pretty good!

The first time I peed myself was at a friend’s house for New Years, we were all laughing and I laughed so hard I peed my pants… so weird also embarrassing.

Right before my run!


Sleep: Not even cool anymore. I’m sleepy all the time but cannot sleep throughout the night because I toss and turn and get up 2-3x a night to pee. Uuuuuuggggggghhhhhhhhhh

Exercise: Meh. It hasn’t been fantastic but it hasn’t been bad either. I ran Friday, worked out Saturday, worked out Monday and I am hoping to be productive tonight and workout. We will see.

Best moment this week: We finally ordered P’s bassinet and official daddy carrier. This is the one we got. The hubby is very particular and adamant about Penelope having the best of the best of EVERYTHING so he did his research and made sure he got one he liked, and was reviewed as the best. I’m pretty satisfied because I plan on wearing her with a lot of wraps and things, but I think it’s important that the daddy wears em too, but the wraps weren’t secure enough for him so he got his own daddy carrier. So cute!

Also, here are some Easter cupcakes I made for the hubby’s work and my work because well.. cupcakes.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset


That’s it for this week friends! I hope everyone is having a great week so far, and to all the new bloggy mama’s… Congrats on your new babies!! (There’s like 5 of you!!) I will talk to you all later this week or next week.


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